Smart Car based on Arduino with collision Avoidance

My christmas toy arrived a bit “late”, around 2weeks after xmas , packed in with a new board “arduino” which i haven’t use before for some more fun along with my RPi2.
Bought this toy on ebay, which comes with the following items:
- Car chassis
- Car Wheels
- DC Gear Motor 2
- Fasteners (high intensity black acrylic) x 4
- Caster
- Four battery box x 1 (battery does not include)
- Quality Rocker Switch
- Assembly drawing for cardboard
- Several screw nut
- V5 shield – board to controls pins for the arduino
- UNO R3 -arduino
- SG90 – servo motor
- FPV – proximity sensor
- L298N – use to control motors
Coding with Arduino is so much fun 😀 😀 😀
So here are the codes on Github: