Installing Apache Guacamole on RPI

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway which an be used to get SSH, RDP, VNC .. on the web browser using HTML5

The following is an installation on a Raspberry Pi 2B+ running Raspbian 8:

All commands were done as root user

Update the OS
$ apt-get update 
$ apt-get upgrade
Install the Dependencies 
$ apt-get install libcairo2-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev libossp-uuid-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libpango1.0-dev libssh2-1-dev libtelnet-dev libvncserver-dev libpulse-dev libssl-dev libvorbis-dev  libwebp-dev
Download the packages from Guacamole Release

root@BB-8:~# wget '' -O guacamole-server-1.1.0.tar.gz

root@BB-8:~# wget '' -O guacamole-client-1.1.0.tar.gz

Extract the Tar files and build the Guacamole server
$ tar -xzf guacamole-server-1.1.0.tar.gz

$ cd guacamole-server-1.1.0

$ ./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
guacamole-server version 1.1.0                    
   Library status:                                
     freerdp2 ............ no                     
     pango ............... yes                    
     libavcodec .......... yes                    
     libavutil ........... yes                    
     libssh2 ............. yes                    
     libssl .............. yes                    
     libswscale .......... yes                    
     libtelnet ........... yes                    
     libVNCServer ........ yes                    
     libvorbis ........... yes                    
     libpulse ............ yes                    
     libwebsockets ....... no                     
     libwebp ............. yes                    
     wsock32 ............. no                     
   Protocol support:                              
      Kubernetes .... no                          
      RDP ........... no                          
      SSH ........... yes                         
      Telnet ........ yes                         
      VNC ........... yes                         
   Services / tools:                              
      guacd ...... yes                            
      guacenc .... yes                            
      guaclog .... yes                            
   FreeRDP plugins: no                            
   Init scripts: /etc/init.d                      
   Systemd units: no                              
Type "make" to compile guacamole-server.       

$ make

$ make install

$ update-rc.d guacd defaults

$ ldconfig
Compile the Guacamole Client
$ tar -xvf guacamole-client-1.1.0.tar.gz

$ cd  guacamole-client-1.1.0 

Install tomcat8 Package
$ apt install tomcat8

Install Openjdk-8-JDK
$ apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Download the maven binary from

Compile the Guacamole-client using mvn package
  It took around 40mins for compilation and download all the necessary package

$ ~/guacamole-client-1.1.0# /root/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn package
 [INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.5.3:single (make-source-archive) @ guacamole-client ---
 [INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: project-assembly.xml
 [INFO] Building tar: /root/guacamole-client-1.1.0/target/guacamole-client-1.1.0.tar.gz
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] Reactor Summary for guacamole-client 1.1.0:
 [INFO] guacamole-common …………………………….. SUCCESS [01:16 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-ext ……………………………….. SUCCESS [01:40 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-common-js ………………………….. SUCCESS [  7.425 s]
 [INFO] guacamole …………………………………… SUCCESS [07:30 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-cas …………………………… SUCCESS [03:11 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-duo …………………………… SUCCESS [01:08 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-header ………………………… SUCCESS [01:01 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc ………………………….. SUCCESS [  7.232 s]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc-base ……………………… SUCCESS [01:31 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql …………………….. SUCCESS [ 53.872 s]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc-postgresql ………………… SUCCESS [01:27 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc-sqlserver …………………. SUCCESS [01:43 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-jdbc-dist ……………………… SUCCESS [01:31 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-ldap ………………………….. SUCCESS [07:27 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-openid ………………………… SUCCESS [01:17 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-quickconnect …………………… SUCCESS [01:30 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-auth-totp ………………………….. SUCCESS [02:12 min]
 [INFO] guacamole-example ……………………………. SUCCESS [ 36.275 s]
 [INFO] guacamole-playback-example ……………………. SUCCESS [  3.657 s]
 [INFO] guacamole-client …………………………….. SUCCESS [01:30 min]
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] Total time:  37:48 min
 [INFO] Finished at: 2020-03-17T22:35:09+04:00
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copy the generated war file towards the webapps folder of tomcat8

$ ~/guacamole-client-1.1.0# cp guacamole/target/guacamole-1.1.0.war /var/lib//tomcat8/webapps/guacamole.war
Create configuration file for Guacamole
$ mkdir -p /etc/guacamole

$ cat /etc/guacamole/
# Hostname and port of guacamole proxy
#guacd-hostname: localhost
#guacd-port:     4822

# Auth provider class (authenticates user/pass combination, needed if using the provided login screen)
basic-user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml

Generate The password 
$echo "password" |md5sum    

The user-mapping file      
cat /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
        <connection name="BB-8">
        <param name="hostname">localhost</param>
        <param name="port">22</param>
        <param name="swap-red-blue">false</param>
        <param name="enable-audio">true</param>
Start the GUACD server and Tomcat8

$ /etc/init.d/tomcat8 start
[ ok ] Starting tomcat8 (via systemctl): tomcat8.service.

$ /etc/init.d/guacd start
Starting guacd: guacd[13606]: INFO:     Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.1.0 started SUCCESS
The Application Should be running on port 8080

Once login, the SSH console should be open allow the user to use it through web browser

Instead of opening port 22, everything can be exposed only via https.
